
Blog Review from Dubtastic

Jason, a professional photography designer from Dubtastic.com, sent a email to me said that he like the TtV Studio Pro very much, and he also give a blog review for it.

You can visit the website below:


BTW, I would like to thank all the people who allow me to use their great TtV texture images at TtV Studio Pro.

(You can check the About window for Credits at app inside)

Thank you!

1 Response to “Blog Review from Dubtastic”

  1. August 7, 2011 at 9:36 pm

    Hello there

    We wanted to let you know that your app has been mentioned on theappwhisperer.com, here is the link:


    Would you please send a promo code so our review team can take a closer look at your app. It would also be appreciated if you were able to give us some promo codes for our readers – we can create a giveaway page, like this – http://theappwhisperer.com/2011/06/18/our-daily-app-giveaway-photopal/

    We’d like to take this opportunity to tell you more about Joanne and theappwhisperer.com. Joanne is a professional journalist, based in London, originally from the print industry and moved over to the Internet when the recession took hold and the print media had their budgets slashed. Fortunately, the recession is almost behind us and budgets are increasing once more. Joanne is contributing once again to The Guardian and recently The Guardian published this article -http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/appsblog/2011/may/24/twitter-apps-top-five. This video explains a little more about where theappwhisperer.com is heading and the influence that we have – http://video214.com/play/8WSKqXvYnxbmjW708W9XTw/s/dark

    We are planning some marketing campaigns and wondered if you would like to place one with us. We have two very special promotions at the moment, specifically designed to help indie developers make their first steps into successful app promotion. We understand how hard and expensive it is to develop an app in the first instance and many developers often neglect the promotion of the app due to this. It is a real chicken and egg situation. That’s why we have created these very special deals.

    The first deal includes a very thorough developer interview, similar to this – http://theappwhisperer.com/2011/04/15/exclusive-interview-with-notebooks-ios-app-developer-alfons-schmid/ . A 250×250 banner ad for 30 days (the banner ad is interchangeable, so you can change it during the term for another app). As well as a free independent and comprehensive review of your app, similar to thishttp://theappwhisperer.com/2011/05/06/runtastic-pro-gps-running-jogging-and-fitness-coach-ios-app-review/. The total charge for this deal is $250.

    The second deal is a video of your app. We can create the video and the narration/music. The narration is included in either male or female British London accent. This is a professional video and can either be a tutorial, explaining a specific technique of your app or it can be a video review of your app. The video will be uploaded on to the appwhisperer.com and also onto our YouTube site. You can also place it wherever you want it to be featured. The total charge of the video fully licensed is $299.

    This is an example of the style and quality of video that we can provide. It also helps summarise what we have explained above. http://video214.com/play/2b8SWo6vK6b4rDiH0WJO0g/s/dark

    Many of our advertisers have reached the What’s Hot and New & Noteworthy sites of the Apple App Store after our support and some have even been featured in Apple’ TV commercials. Our average CTR rates are very high and our existing advertisers have been extremely pleased with the results and come back time after time.

    Please let us know if you would like further information, or if you would like to place an ad with us. We’d also be very grateful if you would link to our site from yours and we will do the same.

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July 2011